Protection of Children Policy

From the University's Protection of Children Policy: "The University is committed to promoting the safety and wellbeing of Children who visit our campus and who participate in University Programs. The purpose of this policy is to describe the University’s expectations of University Associates when interacting with Children in connection with Programs, and to set forth criteria for Programs involving Children to help ensure their safety while in the University’s care."

Volunteers for the Office of Undergraduate Admissions are considered University Associates, and are asked to review this policy. As admissions volunteers, there are many situations where you may interact with children. Children, as defined by the University, is anyone under the age of 18 who has not matriculated to the University. Examples where you may interact with children include outreach (phone calls, emails, written notes), admitted student events, or college fairs. 

We want our volunteers to continue to welcome students to the Notre Dame family; however, in light of recent events throughout the country, the University needs to ensure that boundaries are established. Please keep the following guidelines in mind when assisting admissions and financial aid involves interacting with prospective and admitted students:

  • Do not meet in person with an admitted student unless they have a parent/guardian in attendance as well.
  • Do not initiate, connect or engage with prospective or admitted students on any social media platform.
  • Do not share personal contact information with a student outside of official admitted student outreach as a volunteer through the Enrollment Division.