Administering Scholarships


University Selects Club Scholarship Recipients

Given the significant role that club scholarships play in making a Notre Dame education affordable for many outstanding students, the Office of Financial Aid is available to assist clubs in selecting their scholarship recipients. University selection promotes consistent review of all potential scholarship recipients based on demonstrated financial need. A Club Scholarship Recipient Summary will be sent to each club which requests University assistance in the scholarship selection process. The Club Scholarship Recipient Summary includes the following:
  • Student Name
  • Class
  • Major
  • Hometown and State
  • Amount Awarded

Club Selects Scholarship Recipients

Forming a Committee
Clubs are encouraged to form a scholarship committee to oversee the review process. The scholarship committee will be responsible for reviewing student rosters, selecting scholarship recipients, notifying the Office of Financial Aid of scholarship recipients and carrying out other responsibilities as outlined by the club.
Reviewing Financial Aid Student Rosters
The Office of Financial Aid will provide your club with access to an online student roster listing students from the club's geographic region who have applied for financial aid. Because of the confidential nature of this information, review of the information is limited to club members who are directly involved in the scholarship process. Please refer to the Club Scholarship Timeline for the date that the student roster will be available.
Freshman Scholarships
The focus of awarding club scholarships will be on prospective students until the May 1 Admissions Confirmation deadline. By asking your club to follow the timeline, the Notre Dame Club Scholarship can assist prospective students in their decision to attend Notre Dame.
Upperclass Scholarships 
Clubs are encouraged to make scholarships available to students for all four or five years of their undergraduate studies at the University. These scholarships will be renewed by the University's Office of Financial Aid as long as the students continue to annually apply for financial aid, demonstrate eligibility, and maintain satisfactory academic progress set by the University.
Submitting Club Scholarship Awards
Freshman club scholarship awards are critical in helping students enroll at the University and should be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid by April 19. Upper-class club scholarship awards should be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid by July 3 to be included on the July 9 student invoice statement. Notre Dame clubs that elect to have the Office of Financial Aid select their club recipients are not required to submit club scholarship awards.