Establishing Scholarships

While we are very pleased with the significant progress we have made in recent years in providing University scholarship assistance, our need for support through our club scholarship program is greater than ever. The rising level of student indebtedness as well as the very competitive financial aid packages now being offered by many of our peer institutions, make the role of additional scholarship support more critical than ever. Notre Dame is truly blessed by the generosity of its many benefactors and is particularly grateful for the special opportunities which our club scholarship program provides.
The Office of Financial Aid is available to help clubs establish scholarship programs. Inquiries regarding club scholarships may be made via e-mail at or by calling 574-631-6461.

Endowed Account

Under this plan, clubs establish an endowment as part of the University's overall endowment while maintaining their funds as individual club accounts. Each individual endowment receives its pro rata share of earnings, and funds are distributed in accordance with the University's endowment spending policy. A club's endowment must contain at least $10,000 in order to utilize earnings to fund club scholarship awards. Current-year earnings (July 1 to June 30 of the current academic year) will be used to fund club scholarships.

Expendable Account 

A club without an endowed account or with an endowed account less than the $10,000 minimum requirement may establish an independent expendable account for scholarship awards. Funds in an expendable account are not invested as part of the University's overall endowment and are intended to be awarded on a yearly basis. No minimum balance is required in the expendable account.
A club with an endowed account generating earnings for funding of scholarship awards will automatically have an expendable account established in which these earnings will be maintained. Direct contributions can be made to the expendable account to supplement endowment earnings for scholarships.
Note: Individual contributions made to an endowed or expendable club account are tax deductible and credited toward the requirement for the football ticket lottery. The donor must indicate the name of the club and the account (endowed or expendable) as a memo on the check to ensure that the contribution is appropriately credited. Make checks payable to the University of Notre Dame and mail to the Development Office, 1100 Grace Hall, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556. Donations made to a club scholarship account are restricted; therefore cannot be applied to your Sorin Society membership.