Training and Preparation

All volunteers who attend fairs should be comfortable providing basic information about Notre Dame to prospective students and parents. You are also encouraged to share stories about your experience or those of your friends/classmates. 
The basic information you should know is covered in the APART training site for college fairs. Please make sure all volunteers who attend fairs review this training information and complete the training completion form.
Set-Up for the Fair
You will have standard materials to distribute to students and their parents and others to display on the table. The main material to hand out is the "This is Your Journey” brochure. You can display the viewbook, and use the bulletin for reference.
Use the tablecloth provided by your Admission Volunteer Coordinator or that you ordered through the material order site.
Refer to this photo for the standard table set-up. Please do not bring additional items to display on the table. Promotional items (pens, candy, etc.) cannot be distributed to attendees. 
During the Fair
Stay at your table throughout the fair, even if there seems to be little interest. Please note that you should stand behind the table at all times. 
Answer questions the best that you can – if you do not know an answer, it is fine to say that you do not know. Refer the student to the Admissions Office website (, email (, or phone (574-631-7505), or take their name and send the question to their admission counselor.
Do not talk to students about the specifics of their grades and test scores – keep the conversation general and refer to the admission statistics provided.
Feel free to leave some extra materials on the table for the high school to keep. 
After the Fair
Within 24 hours of the fair, volunteers who attended will receive an evaluation by email. We ask that all volunteers who attended the fair fill out an evaluation.